Varieties Available.

Norma Gedye Lily


Loose: Dainty snowy white flowers, narrow petals, yellow stamens, scented.

Gladstoniona: Largest of the white cup-shaped flowers, with yellow centres, suitable for large ponds.

Double Gonnere: (Crystal White) Its double pure white blooms with bright yellow stamens resemble snowballs.

Marilacea Albida: Pure white flowers, hardy arid free flowering.


Caroliniana Perfecta: Star-shaped scented flowers; one of the nicest pale pinks.

Colossea: Large pale pink flowers, very hardy, free-flowering.

Fire Crest: A small star-shaped lily in a clear bright pink with red tipped stamens.

Norma Gedye: [pictured] Large tulip shaped flowers in rich pink.

Pink Opal: One of the most popular hardies. Cup shaped blooms are a bright pink. Richly fragrant.

Pink Sensation: Large attractive flowers, rich pink, broad petals with pointed tips, a magnificent lily with a delightful perfume.

Rose Arey: Blooms of rich rose pink with curved star shaped petals, scented and free flowering.

Somptuosa: Large cup-shaped flowers, rose pink, attractively flocked with white.

Fabiola: Attractive rose pink with rounded petals.


Escarboucle: The most brilliant of all the reds. A bright intense vermilion with garnet stamens.

James Brydon: Large globular flowers shading from deep rose to crimson.

Conqueror: Beautiful lily of garnet red shading to white at the tips of the petals, white sepals and yellow stamens.

Gloriosa: Beautiful vermilion blooms with pointed petals and perfect formation.

Vesuve: Bright currant red flowers. This free flowering lily grows well in small or large pools.

President Vigar: A most attractive bloom of a deep wine shade with long slender petals.


Marliacea Chromatella: A beautiful pale yellow variety with large well-shaped flowers and handsome foliage, most prolific.

Moorel: Very attractive bright yellow blooms with olive green mottled foliage.


Comanche: Changeable water lily opens apricot and passes to coppery bronze as it matures.

Sioux: Flowers open yellow then change to reddish copper.


Vallisneria: One of the best oxygenators plants with long ribbon like leaves.

Elodea: Long stems with whorls of deep green willow-like leaves, another fine oxygenator.

Anacharis: Similar to Elodia, but of a smaller type.

Water Milfoil: A fine, feathery, dark green plant, which suspends itself in the water. An ideal spawning plant for fish. Milfoil does not need potting, just place in pond.

Sagittaria Natans: Occasionally called "Ribbon Arrowhand". Small plant with some oval leaves on the water surface and other ribbon leaves below surface level. Small three petalled white flowers which sit on the water surface.

Ludevigia Natans: Very colourful, has some red to red-brown leaves.


Parrots Feathers: (Myriophyllurn Brasiliense) A most attractive plant with bright green plumes which trail across the water surface. Excellent for spawning and protection of goldfish.

Myriophyllurn Verticillatum: A stiffer more erect plant than "Parrots Feather".

Water Poppy: (Limnocharis Humboldtii) A beautiful aquatic with smooth oval grown leaves and yellow poppy-like blooms. Flowers prolifically throughout the summer months.

Water Fringe: (Nymphoides Peltata) Small bright yellow bloom with fringed edge which grows erect just above its lily-like leaves on the water surface.

Creeping Primrose: (Jussiaea Diffusa) Small yellow flowers produced freely along stems with small green leaves trailing across the water surface.

Water Clover: (Marsilea Quadrifolia) Most attractive leaves resembling four leaved clovers in two tone shades of green to brown which lay flat on the surface of the water.

Water Buttons: (Cotula Coronopifolia) Smooth bright green succulent leaves, with narrow irregular segments. Conspicuous bright yellow flowers, 6 mm to 13 mm across.

These plants should be planted in small containers or pots, without holes in the bottom. 127 mm squat pots are ideal, using good garden soil, and topping with a 25 mm layer of clean sand.


As their name indicates, these plants just float on the surface of the water.

Azolla: (Coroliniana and Filiculoides), (Fairy Moss) Two type of this small floating fern, which form a moss-like carpet on the surface if allowed to spread. Shades from green to red in bright sunlight.

Water Lettuce: (Pistia Stratiotes) A very attractive bluish-green plant with rosettes of velvety leaves. The long hairlike roots make Water Lettuce a most useful plant for the spawning of goldfish. It is frost tender, therefore in colder climates will need to be restocked each year. (VICTORIA ONLY)


Cat Tail: (Typha Latifolia) A well known tall growing bog plant which adds to a pond. Dark brown "tails" or blooms stand on straight stems above the slender leaves.

Pickerel Rush: (Pontederia Cordato) An attractive plant with heart shaped, shiny green leaves held approximately 61cm above the water. Blooms are tiny blue flowers closely packed in poker formation.

Water Plantain: (Alisma Plantago - Aquatica) Spear shaped leaves reaching a height of about 46cm. Dainty white flowers borne on stalks 61 cm to 94cm high.

Umbrolice Plant: (Cyperus Alternfolius) An attractive plant growing 31cm to 94cm high with grassy leaves formed in umbrella fashion on top of straight slender stems.

Egyptian Paper Plant: (Cyperus Papyrus) A graceful plant with masses of grass like heads at the end of triangular stems. In suitable conditions it con reach a height of 306cm to 367cm.

Water Iris: (Iris Kampheri) Flowers around Christmas with lovely, large blue and white flowers.

As the emergent plants tend to become top heavy if planted in a small container, it is necessary to plant them in large containers, following the method used for Water Lilies.


These plants will survive the colder climates in the southern states.


Under normal conditions all plants supplied have mature crowns yielding up to 40 blooms in the first season. Plants are clearly labelled and to the best of our knowledge are true to description. Plant orders are made up promptly and customers are advised of any delays of more than a few days. Ample stocks of each advertised variety are held, but should any shortage of plants occur we reserve the right to substitute the nearest available variety unless orders are clearly marked "Do Not Substitute". All orders must be accompanied by a remittance to cover the cost of plants, PLUS packing and postage. Please state name and address IN BLOCK LETTERS, including the State in which you live and the POSTCODE number, when ordering.


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